The chief changemaker of Purple Pyjamas. She loves small business, big business and everything in between. She helps people solve problems through supporting them through change. She is an advocate for balance which is why yoga, walking, belly to belly conversation, good food and wine are non-negotiable parts of her life.

Bicycle stores and cafes

Customer Experience

Let’s face it most consumers in developed countries have what they want – food water and shelter are covered! In this world where most of our needs are met and there are a multitude of options in how to spend our disposable dollar the challenge for business is substantial. Do we need the latest bicycle?…


The Brain

Ever since I read the book the #Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doidge (Scribe Publications), I have been consuming loads of data on the way the brain works (in the simplest terms) and I get really excited by it! Why?  Because we can retrain our brain so that our thoughts are better, our opportunities…

humour in advertising

Does Humour Sell?

Typically we buy from people we like.  And people who are charismatic.  In my last blog I talked about the characteristics of charismatic people which included their ability to openly share their failings – usually with good humour. Watching the social media space I often get a giggle out of some of the Memes people…

Anita Roddick and Vickie Burkinshaw


Becoming Charismatic Anita Roddick passed away 6 years ago.  She was an extremely charismatic lady.  She hung on to your every word and you hung on to hers. She had a natural ability to listen, take the gem from the information you were sharing and use it to solve a problem or add to an…

Time management

Creating a schedule

People often ask me how I do it all:  business, kids, partner, and an unwavering commitment to yoga and meditation. There is no secret.  We all have 24 hours in a day and we all make choices on what we do with those hours. One of the simplest ways to manage your time is to…



There is a reason there is a whole supermarket aisle dedicated to chocolate. It because we all have different tastes.  And if we didn’t have different tastes 10 years ago, the chocolate industry has convinced us that we do!  Chocolate is bought for a variety of reasons:  just because it was looking at me; because…