promotional products that work

Promotional Products – Do They work?

Have you considered using promotional products as a marketing strategy for your business? I have come across a lot of promotional products in my time. Lugging home wads of paper and products from conferences, presentations and breakfast. Some of them go straight to the recycling bin, others gater dust in far off cupboards. Some are clever,…

event sponsorship

Event Partnership Guidelines

One of my clients (Anna from #The Big Freeze), is currently seeking partners for her event to be held next June (an amazing winter festival for families who want to experience snow). Many businesses get approached to sponsor events, activities, teams or charities.  I have been on the giving and receiving end of event management partnerships. I…

insanely helpful

Insanity Simplicity and Content

At the #smalbizfest event held yesterday there were a couple of consistent yet contradictory themes across each of the key presenters (and the MC). I find it can be hard for small business owner to convert the messages from executives of large corporates with big budgets or successful business owners who started in a space much…

Presentation Skills

You have to have it. What is ‘it’? ‘It’ is the ability to present your idea, your vision, your goals. Presentation skills are a requirement of the modern entrepreneur. While many of us are happy to hide behind a keyboard for most of the day – eventually if you want to build a successful business…

Fear of Success

At lunch today we talked about what was holding us back from success. Sitting amongst a group of very successful women I found it hard to fathom that fear of success rates amongst them. When an opportunity sounds too good to be true we can self sabotage. Both fear of success and fear of failure…