price tag

Do you need to review your pricing?

Do you need to review your pricing? Has your price stayed the same ever since you have  been in business?  How is that working for you? The cost of everything goes up so why shouldn’t your prices? If your prices have been static for some time it might be time to review them.  A subtle…

Dont' delay

On-Line Course Starting 7th July

Too often, too many people say those dreaded words: ‘should have’, ‘could have’, ‘want to’. Then theres the ‘but I’, ‘when I’, ‘after I’. Sometimes these excuses are related to starting your own business, turning your business into a hobby, or taking your current business seriously. I also hear a lot of “I don’t know…

Passionate about business

Dispassionate or Passionate?

I went to a ‘start your own business’ presentation this week – yes as a mystery shopper – but also to meet some people.  (Please note I did openly tell the presenter my purpose and she loved it!) The presentation was great – I love it when you get that reinforcement that what you are…

Starting a business


Today is the day the Bizness Blitz March team start my Small Business Development Program and I am excited!!!  I so love the fun that come from learning and the opportunities that can come from business and I am thrilled with the group who have put their hands up to say ‘I want to start…