how to use hashtags for posts in small business


What is a #hashtag? If you think #hashtags, are for pressing at the end of a message you may need to read on as hashtags have invaded the social media world in a major way. The new definition of hashtag is now hash·tag: A word or phrase preceded by a hash mark (#), used within a message to…

Selling nurturing not coffee

What are you selling?

What are you selling? In a presentation by #Mark Bouris today, he re-enforced my strong belief that creating a business around your purpose is more important that your product. He talked about acquiring the taste of coffee and tea – bitter on the tongue but sweet on the provoking memories of nurturing brought about by…

Using personality profiling to improve networking

Personality Profiling for Networking

Personality Profiling for Networking There are many different ways to assess the personality types of  your potential customers / leads / networks.  At some stage most of us have taken some sort of personality assessment.  The most common formal tools are #DISC and #Myers Briggs, but you know Marie Claire and Cleo can’t be that…

Will Telemarketing Work for You?

Ok so it’s dinner time and the phone rings – guaranteed it will be someone trying to sell you something.  Nine times out of ten that is something you don’t want, but sometimes they have called just at the right time.  You need what they have. Before you dismiss the idea of using telemarketing in…