The Barefoot Investor for Families

This is a great piece of marketing from Scott Pape! Cleverly written and very enticing for fans of his. You get a discount on his new book The Barefoot Investor for Families – yay!  But he also adds a guilt trip – you are also encouraged to buy three copies at the discounted price so…

The empowered buyer

Buyers are changing in every industry.  Armed with extensive and easily available information, buyers are spending more time researching and using a broader range of sources than ever before. Buyers today believe they have infinite choice and infinite power and they’re not afraid to use it! The era of the ’empowered buyer’ is characterised by:…

humour in advertising

Does Humour Sell?

Typically we buy from people we like.  And people who are charismatic.  In my last blog I talked about the characteristics of charismatic people which included their ability to openly share their failings – usually with good humour. Watching the social media space I often get a giggle out of some of the Memes people…