As part of my research for my book The Legacy of Anita Roddick, I’ve been re-watching some of her speeches and interviews to get me into her zone. I have a collection of them here if you are interested. On this Valentines Day, her passion for what she stood for comes through loud and clear.…

Start your business today

“A year from now you will wish you had started today” Karen Lamb There will never be a day when you cross all the to do’s off your list and then say “Great, that’s all done now it’s time to start a business!” There are always things to do, events to get through, significant milestones…

dreams bigger than fears


While Australians are entrepreneurial is fear dominating the desire to achieve success in business? The 2013 Amway Global Entrepreneurship Report surveyed over 26,000 people across 24 countries. Australia had the third highest rate of positive sentiment towards entrepreneurship with 84% of respondents, only 3% behind world leaders Finland and Denmark and 14% above the international…