business steps

Systems and Processes

Operations One of the best investments you can make when setting up your small business is to begin to create a ‘dummies guide’ to the way you operate. No one will ever do it the same way as you – but unless you create a guide – how can anyone understand just the way you…

Is your data as old as the dinosaurs?

Is your data antiquated?

Last month I talked about how good it felt to clean-up my inbox and email systems. By going crazy with the delete button, using files and rules I have maintained a very healthy inbox. Now my attention has turned to the data I hold and manage. Not only mine but some of the clients who…

Brand consistency

Three Ways to Build Business Consistency and Trust

Good brands build trust through consistency.  Since the famous move by McDonalds to ‘methodise’ hamburgers, research into successful brands from around the world has proven that you don’t need a perfect product to be a market leader, but a consistent product usually gets the largest share of the market. While there is some merit in…

have a plan b

Have a plan B

Two of my clients this week have run into some trouble. They have Personal Training (PT) businesses, they are injured and their injuries require surgery.  Now while this is not the end of the world – you can run a PT session lying on your back and in your PJ’s if you want, but definitely…