I just finished reading Into The Magic Shop by Dr James R Doty. Those who know me are familiar with my fascination of reading about the human brain and how wonderful and elastic it is.
Into the Magic Shop furthered my love of the brain and helped me understand the connection to our hearts and how powerful it is when when let the two work in tandem. Highly recommended reading.
One of the key pieces of advice that stayed with me was the Alphabet of the Heart Manifesto. I have started using it during my 3am wake-up and find I am waking happy and refreshed. Like any brain training, consistency and focus nets results. With the Olympics on at the moment I have noticed how many successful athletes have already visualised the moment of winning a gold medal. After winning gold in the women’s single scull rowing Kim Brennan exclaimed that she had visualised that moment so many times she didn’t know if the actual moment was real or not (until the lactic acid burn kicked in!).
Visualising success, knowing that you can change can transform your life.
One of my favourite quotes from the Book:
“We can die a thousand times in this lifetime, and that is one of the greatest gifts of being alive… who we are today doesn’t have to be who we are tomorrow.”
I feel invigorated by this knowledge, but as a human, also daunted by the concept of change. Our default position is what we know, our safety net is doing what we always do – but of you truly want to be successful and innovate as a person and a small business owner you have to embrace change. Change by its nature involves risk and you are likely to experience failure. But you can fail often if you fail quickly and move on.