Paint a Picture

One of the best and hardest things you can do as a small business owner is to start saying no to clients.  Potential clients, paying clients.  Clients that suck you dry and leave you depleted for your work and their attitude.  Saying no is good for your business. The more you say no to people you…

Limit your choices

Limit Your Choices

Limit Your Choices As you know I am a big fan of routine and segmenting non-important decisions: Roast on a Sunday, filling up with petrol on a Wednesday, laying out my clothes for the week (and having a ‘uniform’) – it turns out there is science behind my madness! A few decades of research has…

Get productive for Christmas

Christmas is four weeks away – so now is the time for you to be productive –  starting with the space around you. Whether you work your small business from a home office, shared space, or the local cafe – here are some things you can do to improve your health, creativity and productivity: 1.  Your monitor /…

working on your business vs working in your business


Reflection In previous blogs I have written about success coming from passion, persistence and patience, but I also believe you need reflection to ensure you are not working hard, pushing through – without cause. Media articles are constantly written about how everyone is too ‘busy’ and more recently others that deny the concept of busy…



I love the mornings.  Really early in the morning is set aside for Yoga, walking the dog, meditating, going to the gym or creeping around the house as quiet as I can getting jobs done.   In the mid-morning I power through my to do list, I have great ideas, get inspiration and I can type…