Get ready for 2014

I love the end of the year and the time to plan for 2014.  I know it’s going to be a great year! I start my planning with a year at a view calendar and mark all the significant events that will impact on my business – in a positive and negative way. Grab a…


I have been pondering what to say about the great loss the world had with the passing of Nelson Mandela.  But as is often the case #Seth Godin does it best.  RIP Mandela.

dreams bigger than fears


While Australians are entrepreneurial is fear dominating the desire to achieve success in business? The 2013 Amway Global Entrepreneurship Report surveyed over 26,000 people across 24 countries. Australia had the third highest rate of positive sentiment towards entrepreneurship with 84% of respondents, only 3% behind world leaders Finland and Denmark and 14% above the international…

christmas and business

Christmas Countdown

While the Christmas countdown is on for those looking forward to gift giving and holidays, for business now is the time to take advantage of the season as well as preparing for the year ahead. We are either flat out working ‘in the business’ to fill Christmas orders and make money while the sun shines…